Intuitive Energy Healing

w/ Erin Nicholas

Intuitive Energy Healing sessions are for those who are desiring to deepen their connection with themselves & the earth. The intention is to gently guide you back inward to connect with your higher self & discover the sacred wisdom within. You’ll be guided to remember your true essence & how to connect to/ground into Mother Earth. You will be guided to release all that no longer serves you. In so you may live a life full of joy, connection, playfulness, presence, truth, love & expression.

Energy Healing Helps You:

Understand Inner Conflict

Address Unregulated Emotions

Break Negative Patterns

Improve Relationships

Increase Self-awareness & Self-compassion

Deepen Connection to Intuition

Our sessions will be intuitively led and use a combination of techniques to best support you that day.

Some of those techniques include:

Grounding / Connecting you to the Earth

Reconnecting you to yourself

Allowing you to express / release / be without judgement

Energy Work

Removals, activations, chakra balancing, channeled songs & messages and calming/recharging your entire system

Reconnecting you to the child within*

…which inturn will help you live out of a place of playfulness and wonder.

* Inner child work can be difficult, as a lot of our deepest traumas occurred as children. A lot of the patterning and behaviors that we view as “negative” stem from wounds that occurred in our childhood. These protective mechanisms create a disconnect to us living a peaceful & truthful life. We will intentionally look at these wounds & support the parts of you that feel lost & unsafe- bringing them love and safety. Therefore, giving them a safe space to express, play and be held

About Your Session

Your session begins with a discussion of how you feel currently - physically, emotionally, mentally

We'll engage in any dialogue related techniques to best provide for your session

Light touch energy work will be performed fully clothed on a massage table

You'll then receive recommendations for at home tools & techniques to support your process

Two session types are available:

In Person Healing: $111 – 1.5hr
Virtual Healing: $88 – 1hr

Creativity and openness are key pillars to our sessions. These sessions will be a safe haven for you to express, play and return to your true state of be-ing.

Sessions for Children

These sessions will be more focused on creating a safe space for expression and play. These sessions will include exploring self expression, play, creativity, connecting with nature, music and energy work. Your child’s comfort is priority, so they guide the session at their own pace. These sessions are for children ages 5-17.

Children’s In Person Healing: $60 – 45min

Joe Williams Sound Healing

About Erin

Erin has been on a deep healing journey for about 7 years. She felt unsatisfied with the “western” approach to wellness & found herself trying many different holistic modalities. She desires to share all that she’s learned in hopes to assist others to release what is no longer serving them and live from a place of truth and love. To guide you to hear the calling of your heart & follow your intuition . From her experience clearing out the chatter of the mind and building trust within has changed her life. Connecting with earth has played a key component in her journey. She has found deep peace and joy in her connection with nature.

She has a nurturing essence and believes in expressing from a place of love, kindness, & understanding. Her desire is to assist you in reconnecting to all parts of yourself. Reminding you of your magnificence and assisting you to see the world from a place of wonder and joy. She specializes in inner child work, trauma release, grief, creating deep connection with the earth, & holding the frequency of Christ consciousness. She is reiki certified and is currently completing a shamanic apprenticeship. She enjoys exploring in nature, traveling, creating art, drumming/singing, spending time with her loved ones, connecting with animals, & helping others. Her intention is to hold a deep frequency of love & create a safe container for your healing.

Contact Erin:

Call: ‭484-941-4521‬

Reconnect with all parts of yourself